Monday, May 19, 2008

Party Support Priest Config

Yes it is possible, and it is much easier than you think.

To start with you need to make your bot follow someone.

This can be done with the function in your config folder.

This is to config your priest bot to follow.

follow 0 <--- se this to 1.   1 = Follow followTarget <---- insert Charecter name you wish your bot priest to follow. followEmotion 1 <-- leave this followEmotion_distance 4 <--- leave this followFaceDirection 0 <--- leave this followDistanceMax 2 <---- edit to how far you want them to walk apart. Before the priest follows. ( 1 or 2 is good) followDistanceMin 1 <--- How close the bot gets to your char. 0 = ontop of it. 1= 1 square away. followLostStep 12 <--- ignore followSitAuto 0 <--- Priest bot sits when your attacking. 1 = on 0 = off followBot 0 <--- ignore. Now you want your priest to buff its self and its party members. Also this is simple. For the bot to heal its self use this.

useSelf_skill Heal {
lvl 10
hp <> 10

To buff its self use this.

useSelf_skill Increase AGI {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Increase AGI
sp > 10
timeout 5

useSelf_skill Blessing {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Blessing
sp > 10
timeout 5

useSelf_skill Magnificat {
lvl 5
sp <> 10
timeout 5

partySkill Heal {
lvl 10
target_hp <> 10

partySkill Increase AGI {
lvl 10
sp > 45
target_whenStatusInactive Increase AGI

Also a common problem is the priest attacks the monsters in a party causing it to die.
So to stop it Put this over your attack settings.

attackAuto 0
attackAuto_party 0
attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0
attackAuto_followTarget 0
attackAuto_inLockOnly 0
attackDistance 10
attackDistanceAuto 0
attackMaxDistance 0
attackMaxRouteDistance 0
attackMaxRouteTime 0
attackMinPlayerDistance 0
attackMinPortalDistance 0
attackUseWeapon 0
attackNoGiveup 0
attackCanSnipe 0
attackCheckLOS 0

I hope this will help you.
Have fun botting! Rok On!

Visit my website to download the bot program and other configs.


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